Installing Addons


  • The addons engine is running. Visit the setup section for more details.
  • The addon has been published to the marketplace. This can be verified by sending a GET request to /api/v1/marketplace/addons/{addon_marketplace_id}.


To install an addon, simply send a POST request to the addons engine - /api/v1/addons. The request body should have the following form:

  "marketplace_id": "{addon_marketplace_id}"

API Docs

You can find a detailed outline of all the API endpoints at:

Oakestra API

Learn more about the Oakestra API

Verify Installation

The Addons Manager will:

  • Retrieve the addon from the marketplace.
  • Pull the Docker image associated with the addon.
  • Deploy and integrate the addon into the Oakestra environment.

You can verify the installation by checking the addon’s status using the addons manager API - [GET] /api/v1/addons/{addons_id}

Uninstall an Addon

Simply send a DELETE request to the addons manager - /api/v1/addons/{addons_id}