Deploy your first App

This page documents a previous version of Oakestra. Please refer to the latest docs for a current version.


  • You have a running Root Orchestrator with at least one Cluster Orchestrator registered.
  • You have at least one Worker Node Registered
  • (Optional) If you want the microservices to communicate, you need to have the NetManager installed and properly configured.
  • You can access the APIs at <root-orch-ip>:10000/api/docs
  • You can access the Dashboard at http://<root-orch-ip>

Your first application using the Dashboard πŸ’»

Let’s use the dashboard to deploy you first application.

Navigate to http://SYSTEM_MANAGER_URL and login with the default credentials:

  • Username: Admin
  • Password: Admin

Deactivate the Organization flag for now. (Not like it is depicted in the reference image)

Add a new application, and specify the app name, namespace, and description. N.b.: Max 30 alphanumeric characters. No symbols.

Then, create a new service using the button.

Fill the form using the following values: N.b.: Max 30 alphanumeric characters. No symbols. image

Service name: nginx
Namespace: test
Virtualization: Container
Memory: 100MB
Vcpus: 1
Port: 80

Finally, deploy the application using the deploy button.

Check the application status, IP address, and logs.



The Node IP field represents the address where you can reach your service. Let’s try to use our browser now to navigate to the IP used by this application.


Describe your application using a Dashboard’s Service Deployment Descriptor πŸ“

From the dashboard you can create the application graphically as shown previously, or you can describe the services via deployment descriptor file. Tis file allow you to submit multiple pre-configured services and once. The deployment descriptor file is a simple JSON file that contains the description of the services you want to deploy. Here an example:

      "microservices" : [
          "microserviceID": "",
          "microservice_name": "nginx",
          "microservice_namespace": "test",
          "virtualization": "container",
          "cmd": [],
          "memory": 100,
          "vcpus": 1,
          "vgpus": 0,
          "vtpus": 0,
          "bandwidth_in": 0,
          "bandwidth_out": 0,
          "storage": 0,
          "code": "",
          "state": "",
          "port": "",
          "addresses": {
            "rr_ip": ""
          "added_files": [],
          "constraints": []

for each service, these are the parameters you can set:

  • microservice list, a list of the microservices composing the application. For each microservice the user can specify:
    • microserviceID: leave it empty for new deployments, this is needed only to edit an existing deployment.

    • Fully qualified service name:

      • microservice_name: name of the service (max 30 alphanumeric characters)
      • microservice_namespace: namespace of the service, used to reference different deployment of the same service. Examples of namespace name can be default or production or test (max 30 alphanumeric characters)
    • virtualization: currently the supported virtualization are container or (βœ¨πŸ†•βœ¨) unikernel

    • cmd: list of the commands to be executed inside the container at startup or the unikernel parameters

    • environment: list of the environment variables to be set, E.g.: [‘VAR=fOO’].

    • vcpu,vgpu,memory: minimum cpu/gpu vcores and memory amount needed to run the container

    • vtpus: currently not implemented

    • code: public link of OCI container image (e.g. or (βœ¨πŸ†•βœ¨) link to unikernel image in .tar.gz format (e.g. http://<hosting-url-and-port>/nginx_x86.tar.gz).

    • storage: minimum storage size required (currently the scheduler does not take this value into account)

    • bandwidth_in/out: minimum required bandwidth on the worker node. (currently the scheduler does not take this value into account)

    • port: port mapping for the container in the syntax hostport_1:containerport_1[/protocol];hostport_2:containerport_2[/protocol] (default protocol is tcp)

    • addresses: allows to specify a custom ip address to be used to balance the traffic across all the service instances.

      • rr_ip: [optional field] This field allows you to setup a custom Round Robin network address to reference all the instances belonging to this service. This address is going to be permanently bounded to the service. The address MUST be in the form 10.30.x.y and must not collide with any other Instance Address or Service IP in the system, otherwise an error will be returned. If you don’t specify a RR_ip and you don’t set this field, a new address will be generated by the system.
    • βœ¨πŸ†•βœ¨ one-shot: using the keyword "one_shot": true in the deployment descriptor is possible to deploy a one shot service, a service that when terminating with exit status 0 is marked as completed and not re-deployed.

    • βœ¨πŸ†•βœ¨ privileged: using the keyword "privileged": true in the deployment descriptor allows a service to use elevated NodeEngine (containerd) privileges and rights.

    • constraints: array of constraints regarding the service.

      • type: constraint type
        • direct: Send a deployment to a specific cluster and a specific list of eligible nodes. You can specify "node":"node1;node2;...;noden" a list of node’s hostnames. These are the only eligible worker nodes. "cluster":"cluster_name" The name of the cluster where this service must be scheduled. E.g.:
      • clusters: Send a deployment to a list of allowed clusters. E.g.:
            		"allowed": [

Deploy your first application using Oak APIs πŸš€

As an alternative to the Dashboard, you can use the APIs exposed by the Root Orchestrator to deploy your first application.

First we need an API deployment descriptor, which is a JSON file that describes the application together with all the services you want to deploy.

N.b. the application deployment descriptor is NOT a service deployment descriptor, in fact, the service deployment descriptor is included in an application deployment descriptor. The former describes a list of applications. Each application contains contains a list of service described by the service deployment descriptor

Application Deployment Descriptor

In order to deploy a container an application deployment descriptor must be passed to the application create API endpoint. This file must descripe all the applications, the service compising these applications and their requirements.

Here an example of an application deployment descriptor.

E.g.: deploy_curl_application.yaml

  "sla_version" : "v2.0",
  "customerID" : "Admin",
  "applications" : [
      "applicationID" : "",
      "application_name" : "clientsrvr",
      "application_namespace" : "test",
      "application_desc" : "Simple demo with curl client and Nginx server",
      "microservices" : [
          "microserviceID": "",
          "microservice_name": "curl",
          "microservice_namespace": "test",
          "virtualization": "container",
          "cmd": ["sh", "-c", "curl ; sleep 5"],
          "memory": 100,
          "vcpus": 1,
          "vgpus": 0,
          "vtpus": 0,
          "bandwidth_in": 0,
          "bandwidth_out": 0,
          "storage": 0,
          "code": "",
          "state": "",
          "port": "",
          "added_files": [],
          "microserviceID": "",
          "microservice_name": "nginx",
          "microservice_namespace": "test",
          "virtualization": "container",
          "cmd": [],
          "memory": 100,
          "vcpus": 1,
          "vgpus": 0,
          "vtpus": 0,
          "bandwidth_in": 0,
          "bandwidth_out": 0,
          "storage": 0,
          "code": "",
          "state": "",
          "port": "80:80/tcp",
          "addresses": {
            "rr_ip": ""
          "added_files": []

This deployment descriptor example describes one application named clientsrvr with the test namespace and two microservices:

  • nginx server with test namespace, namely clientsrvr.test.nginx.test
  • curl client with test namespace, namely clientsrvr.test.curl.test

This is a detailed description of the deployment descriptor fields currently implemented:

  • sla_version: the current version is v0.2
  • customerID: id of the user, default is Admin
    • application list, in a single deployment descriptor is possible to define multiple applications, each containing:
      • Fully qualified app name: A fully qualified name in Oakestra is composed of
        • application_name: unique name representing the application (max 30 alphanumeric characters)
        • application_namespace: namespace of the app, used to reference different deployment of the same application. Examples of namespace name can be default or production or test (max 30 alphanumeric characters)
        • applicationID: leave it empty for new deployments, this is needed only to edit an existing deployment.
      • application_desc: Short description of the application
      • microservice list, a list of the microservices composing the application. For each microservice the user can specify:
        • microserviceID: leave it empty for new deployments, this is needed only to edit an existing deployment.
        • Fully qualified service name:
          • microservice_name: name of the service (max 30 alphanumeric characters)
          • microservice_namespace: namespace of the service, used to reference different deployment of the same service. Examples of namespace name can be default or production or test (max 30 alphanumeric characters)
        • virtualization: currently the supported virtualization are container or (βœ¨πŸ†•βœ¨) unikernel
        • cmd: list of the commands to be executed inside the container at startup or the unikernel parameters
        • environment: list of the environment variables to be set, E.g.: [‘VAR=fOO’].
        • vcpu,vgpu,memory: minimum cpu/gpu vcores and memory amount needed to run the container
        • vtpus: currently not implemented
        • code: public link of OCI container image (e.g. or (βœ¨πŸ†•βœ¨) link to unikernel image in .tar.gz format (e.g. http://<hosting-url-and-port>/nginx_x86.tar.gz).
        • storage: minimum storage size required (currently the scheduler does not take this value into account)
        • bandwidth_in/out: minimum required bandwidth on the worker node. (currently the scheduler does not take this value into account)
        • port: port mapping for the container in the syntax hostport_1:containerport_1[/protocol];hostport_2:containerport_2[/protocol] (default protocol is tcp)
        • addresses: allows to specify a custom ip address to be used to balance the traffic across all the service instances.
          • rr_ip: [optional field] This field allows you to setup a custom Round Robin network address to reference all the instances belonging to this service. This address is going to be permanently bounded to the service. The address MUST be in the form 10.30.x.y and must not collide with any other Instance Address or Service IP in the system, otherwise an error will be returned. If you don’t specify a RR_ip and you don’t set this field, a new address will be generated by the system.
        • βœ¨πŸ†•βœ¨ one-shot: using the keyword "one_shot": true in the deployment descriptor is possible to deploy a one shot service, a service that when terminating with exit status 0 is marked as completed and not re-deployed.
        • βœ¨πŸ†•βœ¨ privileged: using the keyword "privileged": true in the deployment descriptor allows a service to use elevated NodeEngine (containerd) privileges and rights.
        • constraints: array of constraints regarding the service.
          • type: constraint type

            • direct: Send a deployment to a specific cluster and a specific list of eligible nodes. You can specify "node":"node1;node2;...;noden" a list of node’s hostnames. These are the only eligible worker nodes. "cluster":"cluster_name" The name of the cluster where this service must be scheduled. E.g.:
            • clusters: Send a deployment to a list of allowed clusters. E.g.:
                		"allowed": [

Login to the APIs

After running a cluster you can use the debug OpenAPI page to interact with the apis and use the infrastructure

connect to <root_orch_ip>:10000/api/docs

Authenticate using the following procedure:

  1. locate the login method and use the try-out button try-login
  2. Use the default Admin credentials to login execute-login
  3. Copy the result login token token-login
  4. Go to the top of the page and authenticate with this token auth-login auth2-login

Check your Cluster Status

  • Use GET /api/clusters/ to get all the registered clusters.
  • Use GET /api/clusters/active to get all the clusters currently active and their resources.

Register an application and the services

After you authenticate with the login function, you can try out to deploy the first application.

  1. Upload the deployment description to the system. You can try using the deployment descriptor above. post app

The response contains the Application id and the id for all the application’s services. Now the application and the services are registered to the platform. It’s time to deploy the service instances!

You can always remove or create a new service for the application using the /api/services endpoints

Deploy an instance of a registered service

  1. Trigger a deployment of a service’s instance using POST /api/service/{serviceid}/instance

each call to this endpoint generates a new instance of the service

Monitor the service status

  1. With GET /api/aplications/<userid> (or simply /api/aplications/ if you’re admin) you can check the list of the deployed application.
  2. With GET /api/services/<appid> you can check the services attached to an application
  3. With GET /api/service/<serviceid> you can check the status for all the instances of


  • Use DELETE /api/service/<serviceid> to delete all the instances of a service
  • Use DELETE /api/service/<serviceid>/instance/<instance number> to delete a specific instance of a service
  • Use DELETE /api/application/<appid> to delete all together an application with all the services and instances

Check if the deployment succeded

Familiarize yourself with the API and discover for each one of the service the status and the public address.

If both services show the status ACTIVE then everything went fine. Otherwise, there might be a configuration issue or a bug. Please debug it with docker logs system_manager -f --tail=1000 on the root orchestrator, with docker logs cluster_manager -f --tail=1000 on the cluster orchestrator and checking the logs of the NetManager and NodeEngine. Then please open an issue.

If both services are ACTIVE, it is time to test the communication.

Try to reach the nginx server you just deployed reaching: http://<deployment_machine_ip>:6080 If you see the Nginx landing page the deployment succeeded! Hurray! πŸŽ‰

If you want to try the semantic addressing, move into the worker node hosting the client and use the following command to log into the container.

sudo ctr -n task exec --exec-id term1 Client.default.client.default /bin/sh

Once we are inside our client, we can curl the Nginx server and check if everything works.


Note that this address is the one we specified in the Nginx’s deployment descriptor.

Unikernels Deployment via APIs

It is also possible to use Unikernels by changing the virtulization of the microservice in the deployment descriptor

	"sla_version": "v2.0",
	"customerID": "Admin",
	"applications": [{
		"applicationID": "",
		"application_name": "nginx",
		"application_namespace": "test",
		"application_desc": "Simple demo of an Nginx server Unikernel",
		"microservices": [{
			"microserviceID": "",
			"microservice_name": "nginx",
			"microservice_namespace": "test",
			"virtualization": "unikernel",
			"cmd": [],
			"memory": 100,
			"vcpus": 1,
			"vgpus": 0,
			"vtpus": 0,
			"bandwidth_in": 0,
			"bandwidth_out": 0,
			"storage": 0,
			"code": "",
			"arch": ["amd64"],
			"state": "",
			"port": "80:80",
			"addresses": {
				"rr_ip": ""
			"added_files": []

Differences to Container Deployment:

  • virtualization: set to unikernel
  • code: Specifies a the remote Unikernel accessible via http(s). There can be multiple Unikernels in the same string seperated via “,”.
  • arch: Specifies the architecture of the Unikernel given in code. The order of architectures must match the order of Unikernles given via the code field